Thursday, September 27, 2012

Soul Ties

Soul Ties
I will love you forever.
Do you want to know how I know this?
Because I love your soul.
I love the other things that make up you, but my love is not dependent on those things and this is how I know I will love you forever.
I love the other things that make up you, but my love is not dependent on those things and this is how I know I will love you forever.
I love the other things that make up you, but my love is not dependent on those things and this is how I know I will love you forever.
When your body changes do not worry because I love your soul,
If disease takes over your body,
do not worry because it cannot take your soul .
My love for you is not based on your shell it is based on your core.
Your body will change, wrinkle and age.
It will be young and playful and it will be old and frail,
but all the while I will love you because your soul will remain the same.
I will love you and only you,
if I truly love you my soul will not be able to bare seeing your soul crushed.
No soul will be bigger in my world than yours.
There are those that held me for a moment,
but my soul belongs to you for eternity.
There may be times that I hurt your core,
but I promise to never leave you broken.
I will protect you from things that try and crush who you are.
Don’t listen to them, because they cannot take away your essence.
I will love you forever because if your body fails you,
you are not gone.
Because I have loved your soul on earth,
I will be comforted by the knowledge that your body was not you.
If you are to leave this earth,
 I will know that it will not be long before I will see you again.
Your body was just the vessel to carry you here.
That vessel which was always changing could no
longer hold the beauty of your soul.

This is why when I say I will love you forever,
it is true,
because I love the real you.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley, this would make a great gift book for the grieving.
